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Who We Are

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Chris Stein

CEO, Fathers´ Development Foundation

The incoming Interim CEO for the Fathers' Development Foundation, Chris Stein, has 20+ years of experience working across the statutory, charitable and private sector through delivering support and in philanthropy. 

Working in these sectors has put Chris in the enviable position to give back and support others, not because he knows more or is better than anyone, but because he wants to. Chris seeks to work with others who are experts in their field so that he can utilise his skills and knowledge to build solutions that work. 


In the role of Interim CEO, Chris wants to successfully relaunch the Foundation, build networks and gain knowledge of the wider field of work around Fathers. Thereafter, he sees the next steps as building collaboration with others to positively impact the work delivered to fathers and the policies surrounding them.


Key achievements to date have been delivering a report and reference manual to the Department of Health and NHS England on the language men use to talk about mental health, and working with the Avast Foundation to exemplify best practice in corporate philanthropy. 


Aside from Chris' professional background, he has twice represented the UK at the UK BBoy Championships. Not the average form of expression!

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Lauren Malthouse

Project Manager

Lauren Malthouse co-runs Chiron Audition Prep - a company who developed online courses for theatre students.

Lauren has a first class BA Hons degree and has taught at many universities, colleges, schools and children’s programs. She has lectured and adjudicated across the U.K. and Internationally. Lauren has also had a 20 year career as a theatre actress.

In other fields, Lauren has worked in administration for several companies and was a customer liaison manager for pharmaceutical company Pfizer.

Lauren is a first time parent and she is interested in father work.

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The Fathers’ Development Foundation (FDF) is a UK coalition bringing together organisations and individuals with an interest in supporting, promoting and protecting fatherhood and fathers, especially those who are socially excluded.  The FDF aims to put fatherhood on the map of policy makers, uniting voices in support of public service and employment law reform, together with the development of sector-wide joined-up thinking, robust research and good practice.

The Fathers’ Development Foundation [Charity Number: 1169657]

was registered with the Charity Commission in October 2016.  

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